Friday, June 4, 2010

weekend post-Radio Rookies

me and my best friend decided to have a discussion in computer class and i wanted to let people hear it. so here it is....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

anansi the spider

when i was younger, we would always have story time. i always enjoyed it because i love hearing the books that they would read to us. one story that i really loved and remembered for so long is Anansi the Spider. anansi the spider was a trickster and was one of the most important characters in West African and Carribean folklore. to me she was one of the best characters i've ever known. here's a video of the reading of one of the anansi's book.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

weekendpost- gang violence

Gang violence is a growing problem amongst teens. Most times the tees are expericing family problems and other problems that they hae no general idea of how to handle them they eventually tun to violence. Teens sometimes want to be accepted and by joining a gang thy will be accepted and better respectedby their fellow gang mates.Sometimes its just the environment that just majes them think that believe that there is no other option but to join the gang.Gangs are not only a stupid waste of time because you can get killed at anytime and they wikk just have another to replace you.But it also it is a dangerous deadly tryig to get into the gang. Beinf jumped and advised not to fight back. Whether facing problems or feeling like there is no other choice there are many other things you besides joining gang.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

weekend post- poetry

some people don't realize that rappers and singers are p0ets. the only difference between them and regular poetry is the fact that they use music. one of my favorite rappers is Tupac. his lyrics were so deep to me and dis is one of his poems that i really enjoyed.

Did you hear about the rose that grew
from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it
learned to walk with out having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams,
it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no one else ever cared.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

weekend post- poetry

poetry is very important to me. it helps me express my feelings or emotions better. i love to read other people's poetry to get a better perspective of how they think and feel. here's some of my poetry....

if i told you i love you would you come tonight?
would you not believe me cuz a love that easy never turns out alright.
im tryna change the rules ; you deserve something better in your life.

poet: jasmine

Saturday, February 27, 2010

world affairs

as you may know Haiti recently had an earthquake. as they were settling for the first attack they had yet another. now that they're trying to get back established there has been a tsunami! i know that the people really feel doomed with all the terrible things happening to their country, i know i would. if you go to CNN there are many videos that you can watch and see the damage that has been done. i think that us as Americans and human beings should help them out in any possible way that we can

Saturday, February 20, 2010

what is beautiful ??

In society weight is a big issue specially among women. America puts the idea that you are only beautiful if you look a certain way and that is so not true. Women should be loved by how they look already not by superficial standards. most women have problems with their outer body though. they go threw many exercises to help them lose weight or even become more healthy but most things end up not working.


Friday, February 19, 2010

teenage crisis

Today in society teens are affected by alot of things one being cellphones. Any given time you can catch a teen on their cellphone whether it be talking, texting, etc. Cellphones are helpful because it allows you access to contact different parts of the world and to communicate with people faster. but cellphones are very bad. teenagers and many working adults are becoming too dependent on their cellphone; not being able to make it past five minutes without their cell phones. this way of living affects their life tremendously. John Markman has been studying the affects of this and have said "Cigarettes? Cup of coffee? Nope, it's the third most addictive substance in modern life, the cell phone". now from experience i know that i am partially dependent on my cell phone but im not totally attached to it.

cell phone are the new cigarettes

Wednesday, January 13, 2010