Wednesday, April 28, 2010

anansi the spider

when i was younger, we would always have story time. i always enjoyed it because i love hearing the books that they would read to us. one story that i really loved and remembered for so long is Anansi the Spider. anansi the spider was a trickster and was one of the most important characters in West African and Carribean folklore. to me she was one of the best characters i've ever known. here's a video of the reading of one of the anansi's book.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

weekendpost- gang violence

Gang violence is a growing problem amongst teens. Most times the tees are expericing family problems and other problems that they hae no general idea of how to handle them they eventually tun to violence. Teens sometimes want to be accepted and by joining a gang thy will be accepted and better respectedby their fellow gang mates.Sometimes its just the environment that just majes them think that believe that there is no other option but to join the gang.Gangs are not only a stupid waste of time because you can get killed at anytime and they wikk just have another to replace you.But it also it is a dangerous deadly tryig to get into the gang. Beinf jumped and advised not to fight back. Whether facing problems or feeling like there is no other choice there are many other things you besides joining gang.