Saturday, October 24, 2009

If they say, why, why? Tell 'em that is human nature

i think that Micheal Jackson was an icon. he had a unique sound and dance moves to match, including the infamous moonwalk. he overcame the obstacles of being african american and so young and made it in the music business. and he actually succeeded in staying in there. his music influenced and inspired many generations including my own. and i believe that his music will continue to inspire future generations. he also was very involved in charity. he believed in giving back to his community and others less fortunate than him. for example, he co-wrote the charity single "we are the world" which was released worldwide to aid the poor in the U.S. and Africa. he was extremely original and it was a total shock worldwide when he passed. he was working on his last tour, irionically called 'This Is It". check out the clip.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Want You Exclusive

oo gosh. do you ever wonder why dudes like neverrrr everrrr commit? like i don't understand. whats the problem? they always talking about oh how they want a wifey and how they need a ride or die chick for them but as soon as they get something close to that they do the girl wrong. they either cheat, lie or drive their girl crazy. like whats the point. you really rather be by yourself then. luckily i have never been "that girl" and i don't plan on being her either. if your gonna treat me like that then you don't deserve me. like fab said " i only be with winners, they should put me as a prize" lol.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bittersweet Poetry

"poetry is an orphan of silence.the words never quite equal the experience behind them."
i absolutely love poetry.i feel that it helps people express their ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions in such a perspective manner. i am very fond of watching def poetry jam or just going on youtube and searching poetry.i especially like because it deals with the youth speaking their mind on general topics. i like to write peorty but i dont feel that my poetry is as good as the others that i have heard.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Family Buisness

family is like the most important thing that anybody has. they are always there for you no matter what. my family.....well where do i start. i have a whole bunch of cousins on my mommy's side. and some of my cousins have babies of their own. I'm not that close to that side though, i only really see them when we have family functions.i do have one cousin that i absolutely love thoguh and he is my aunty's son. we have been close ever since we were kids. we were like bonnie and clyde lol.but on the other hand im very close to my father side. i think because mainly its only him, my aunt, and my uncle. and all their cousins live down south in like North Carolina. But regardless of the fact that im not close to both sides i know that they still will be with me throughout anything.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Money, Power, Respect

Oo my gosh!!! President Obama has won the nobel peace prize. this is such an accomplishment in its self but also because my president is black lol. He won the nobel peace prize because he helped improve the relationship between America and other countries. You can go to the website to see what this prize really means. but some people don't believe that he really deserves it because they feel that its way to early to tell that he has really did something. i agree and disagree with this because i do feel that it is way to early to tell if he really did something but i do feel that he has tried to encourage peace between America and other nations. The quote that was made on why Obama won the Nobel peace prize is....

"In an increasingly challenging and volatile world, President Obama has given a sense of hope and optimism to millions around the world" and "has shown that the only way forward is through genuine cooperation with other nations."

there were three other presidents that have also one the nobel peace prize for their intelligence and hard work. they are...
Jimmy Carter-
Woodrow Wilson-
Theodore Roosevelt-

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bedstuy: Do or Die

I come from Bedstuy!! I think that bedstuy is the coolest but dangerous place to live. so much violence is goin on in the world so no ones protected. but i wouldnt rather live anywhere else but bedstuy. it has produced some of the greatest hip hop artist such as Jay-z, Fabolous, and Notorious B.I.G. it has had a powerful affect on the music industry.


Im a girl so watchin sports just isnt my style ( even though i think that Chris Paul is the sexiest basketball player i ever saw lol) but i do love playing it. Football is my favorite. i love tackiling the boys down to show them that they weak lol. when i was in junior high, after school me and my girl-friends use to go to the yard and play football with the boys. sometimes when they didnt let us play we wuld just interrupt they game by stealing the ball and keepin it from them. i think baketball is kool too....especially when the perosn playing it is cute lol.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Now Thats My BFF!!

OMG! These two are my all time fav girlies in the entire world. They love me to death and i love dem back. We have our lil slow moments sumtimes and we act like complete fools when we feel good but thats what makes us us. we have encountered alot of haters during our years togetha but who cares( they hate us cuz dey aint us! lol). my bestest friend in the whole entire universe is my other half, Shakera. We go way back like chicken and kool-aid lol. we been friends since we was four and been in the same school until we got to high school.we had our ups and downs but i will do anything for her. my other best friend is Shaniya. we met in junior high and been inseperbale ever since. now since we go to the same school we with each other like every day. she macaroni to my cheese lol. these two girls are the realest people i have ever met and this is why they are my best friends.